Before I get into the food, let's chat about the fun and games the RTT and I set up for the guys! First, keep in mind that these are all guys in their twenties. Tough and manly guys who shoot guns and play video games and talk a lot of smack. Now, think of these same guys coloring eggs and hunting in the backyard for eggs we hid! I'm giggling just remembering!
I have to give credit where credit is due, and these guys were super creative with coloring the eggs! Ignoring the one with a male extremity written on it, they made some pretty cool eggs. We had a few egg causalties, since Jeremy decided he would rather eat one of the hard boiled eggs instead of coloring it, but the guys got really into it.

After the eggs were colored, they actually had a judging contest. I'm sure the one that said "Stead House" was voted best egg. PS - the Victoria's Secret egg was made by one of the guys, not us girls.

After we fed them, the RTT and I snuck out to the backyard and hid Easter eggs in their backyard. But not just any old eggs. We found plastic camoflouge Easter eggs, green camo eggs. Holy crap! Even if the guys had been dead sober, they would have been hard to find. Throw in a significant amount of PBR and it made for a rather interesting Easter egg hunt!
I tried my darnedest to get the guys to carry baskets to gather their eggs. I really wanted a photo of the guys holding baskets, preferably pink ones. I was rather rudely overruled on that, so I told them they were on their own to come up with something to hold their eggs. This is what I got:

There you have it, folks. A motley crew of hard core Easter egg gatherers. From left to right, James with a mail box, Jeremy with a mail box, Matt with a PBR box, Deke with my bowl that had potatoes in it, and a corner of Alex who was too cool to play along with the hunt.
The RTT and I also found these really cool eggs that look and feel like real eggs, but are filled with confetti. We hid most of them, but kept a couple for ourselves and tried pelting the guys with them. The RTT got some good hits in, but I was not so lucky. I ended up cleaning confetti out of my jacket and shirt. FYI - you can't just throw it, you have to break it on someone.
Ok, now for the food. I have learned an incredibly valuable lesson about the Stead house. If you want food photos, take them before even showing the guys the food. They started in on the cookies as soon as I walked in the door. And these deviled eggs? There was an overflowing plate until the guys saw them. I was trying to swat hands away long enough to snap a photo.
Deviled Eggs
6 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and cut lengthwise
1/4 cup Mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon dry ground mustard
1/2 teaspoon white vinegar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
Paprika for garnish
Remove the egg yolks to a small bowl and mash with a fork. Add mayonnaise, mustard powder, vinegar, salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Fill the empty egg white shells with the mixture and sprinkle lightly with paprika.
I also made chocolate chip cookies. I'm learning not to ask them what type of cookie they want, since the answer is always chocolate chip cookies. Next time, I'll pick something new so you won't have to see another photo of chocolate chip cookies! Until then, here's a photo of rather flat chocolate chippers and PBR! Not a combo I would necessarily pick, but they like it.