They say the first step is recognizing that you have a problem. I fully recognize that I am addicted to the white stuff.
I thought I could just experiment with it. You know, have a little fun, enjoy myself, and then walk away from it. But I can't just walk away from it.
I am addicted to frosting.
It started innocently enough. I went to a buttercream frosting class and got my first taste of the stuff. And when the class ended, I found myself signing up for the next one. It's true, I have enablers.
Yes friends, I signed up for Royal Icing Flowers. Six more weeks of the white powdery stuff.

The first class had a rocky start while I was getting the hang of coordinating piping the flowers while turning the flower nail and moving the bag, all at the same time. But then it got a little easier.
The pic below shows my gradual improvement in the first flower that we made, the wild rose. As you can see, I didn't quite grasp the concept of connecting the flower in the center. And then I kept moving the center in the next couple of flowers. But by Take 5, I actually had a keeper of a wild rose flower.
We learned five flowers in this first class, all of them using the same basic petal movement.
In the pic below: Top row: three primroses and one wild rose. Middle row: four apple blossoms, Bottom row: two daffodils, two pansies.
I apologize for the quality of photos, but my poor camera is old and on its way out. I'm in the market for a new one, so hopefully better photos to come soon!
The daffodils have really cute details that the photos don't show, but they are pretty darn good! These were definitely my favorite flowers of the night, although the apple blossoms were tiny and fun to make as well.
So yes dear friends, I have a problem. I hope you'll continue to support me as I work through this issue over the following weeks. If you need me, I'll be the girl at the grocery store with the cart full of powdered sugar.