Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Royal Icing Final Exam

For five weeks, I spent my Thursday nights at the Biggest Little Cake Shoppe learning how to make royal icing flowers. I showed you my first attempts at flowers and how poorly they started. But I am actually rather proud to show you the end product of those five weeks.

That's right friends, I made that cake. All by myself.

I know there's still plenty for me to work on and lots of things I need to practice, but look at how much better it is from my very first cake!

There's basket weave on that cake! A little crooked and a little runny at times due to my experimenting with canned frosting, but at least it wasn't more of that buttercream stuff.

My favorite flowers are the yellow ones above and the purple heather below. But those purple flowers are god-awful time consuming to make. I kept trying to count how many stars went into one flowers, but I kept going cross-eyed.

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